Talking About Trigger Point Therapy

Talking About Trigger Point Therapy
Have you ever had sensitive or painful knots or cricks in your neck, shoulders, back, arms, or legs? These are called trigger points. Trigger points are tight areas “knots” in your muscle fibers that causes local pain and can frequently radiate from these points of local tenderness to other parts of your body as well.   Often times they are formed from a muscle injury, inflammation,  emotional/physical stress, poor posture, or overuse of a particular ...

Chiropractic for Relieving Sciatica Pain

Chiropractic for Relieving Sciatica Pain
Did you know as many as 1 in 10 people suffer from sciatica? And did you know that as many as 40% of people will get sciatica at some point in their life? But what is this common condition and how can you help yourself if you become a statistic? Our chiropractic doctors explain how to heal sciatica ...